Monday, January 25, 2010

Trouble! Trouble!

This evening Brody was well …. Being Brody! Michael and Brody got home and I went outside to greet them and Brody was yelling “Momma, Momma, Momma!” I must say that I love to hear my dear sweet boy calling me Momma! Well, I got him out of the Jeep and we went inside. Michael had to bring some groceries in so, me and Brody came inside to wait because it was freezing! I was on the computer when they arrived so; I was finishing up what I was doing when I heard the front door open! I got to the door and looked outside and my dear son was screaming at the top of his lungs and running as fast as his little legs could go (which is pretty fast)! Michael was coming in at that time so, we had him trapped! He just laughed and laughed! Michael had to go back outside and that little crazy boy did it again! Michael chased him back in and he laughed and laughed and laughed! I love to hear him laugh! Well, we ate some frozen pizza and I made a phone call and I thought Michael was watching Brody and he thought I was! Evidently leaving a 1 ½ year old unsupervised for any period of time is not a good idea! I walked down the hall and met my son coming out of the bathroom! He looked up at me … stopped and ran the other direction. I screamed! He screamed! Michael came running towards the bathroom and Brody came running back and we all just stood there looking at each other! I said “BRODY!!!” And he took off! My dear sweet little boy had opened a drawer put my hair straightener in the toilet along with a stuffed animal, a golf ball, his toy hammer and another plastic toy. He had also dug through the trash and found one of my used feminine products and placed that in the toilet as well (I pray that is all he did with that)! O and uh, there was a sock in there as well! The entire bathroom floor was soaked and so was my child! Michael said “Have fun cleaning that up!” HaHa! I explained to Brody that he wasn’t supposed to put things in the toilet and I said that was a NO NO and He said” NO NO NO!” I told him that if he did it again he would get a spanking and I said “do you understand?” He said “yeah!”

Stay tuned for more adventures with the toilet bowl!!!!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

What a great way to wake up!

What a wonderful day it has been!!!! Brody woke me up this morning by sitting on my face! That is his usual way to wake me up! He scooted over so he was sitting on the pillow right by my head. Wasn’t that nice of him? He said “Momma! Momma! Momma!” and then leaned over and kissed me on my nose twice! That was a perfect way to wake up! It rained most of the day so we just stayed in! We played ball, blocks and cars! We watched Elmo and iCarly! Brody has the habit of turning of the TV while we are watching it and we tell him “No! No! No! So today he would run to turn the TV off and while he was turning it off he would say “No! No! No!” He is so funny! We just had a lot of fun today loving and playing together!