We went to Branson for a few days and it was nice to get a way and Brody had a lot of fun looking at all the Christmas lights and all the neat buildings. His favorite was the wax museum because it had a huge gorilla on the outside! We went and saw a the Chinese acrobat show and it was really good and Brody seemed to like it! I enjoyed the drive back because I drove and sang the whole way back that always makes me feel good!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Christmas 2010
I love my sweet little family and despite our financial difficulties we were able to give Brody a pretty great Christmas! He got a new bike, batman stuff and clothes and other wonderful things to encourage is wonderful imagination! What a fine bunch we are me and my 2 wonderful boys!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
O no where did Brody go?
Today we went shopping @ Wal-Mart and Brody hates to stay in the buggy so we let him out and while we were checking out Michael and I looked away for a moment and he was GONE! It was the most horrific time in my life Michael ran outside and all over the store and then found that crazy baby! Brody was laughing and laughing! It was so bad!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
MommmmYYYY! I hold you!
Well, I guess my son is going through a mommy phase because I am the only one he wants. I am the only one who can do anything for him. I am the only who can play with him and yes it does get annoying and I need a break but it is also rewarding because I love my Brody boy!
Friday, November 19, 2010
NaNaNaNaNaNaNaNa Batman!
My son thinks he is Batman ...... Wait he thinks that he is many different superheroes! I love my Little Batman, Robin, Spiderman, Ironman, Superman!
Dragon tales and the "water is wide"
Pirate's sail and lost boys fly
Fish bite moonbeams every night
And I love you
The rocket racer's all tuckered out
Superman's in pajamas on the couch
Goodnight moon, will find the mouse
And I love you
God bless mommy and match box cars
God bless dad and thanks for the stars
God hears "Amen," wherever we are
And I love you
Godspeed, little man
Sweet dreams, little man
Oh my love will fly to you each night on angels wings
Sweet dreams
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
I'm a BIG kid now!
Tonight marked the beginning of our potty training adventure!!! Brody has been taking his diaper off when it gets wet and I will ask him if he needs to go to the potty and his "No"! Well tonight Michael was putting Brody in the shower ( yes my 2 year old loves to take showers... he'll stand there and let the water hit his back for 5-10 minutes just like his daddy) and Brody said "Potty!" So, Michael asked if he had to pee pee and he said yes so, Michael put him on the potty and well he .... Pee'd! Brody started so, now we have to continue it!
Monday, August 16, 2010
He's Baaaaaacccckkkkk!
My son made it home safe and sound and bottleless! Thanks you my dear sweet mother in law! I am so happy that he no longer takes a bottle but, now we are fighting for him to go to sleep! He won't lay down anymore and just lay there! He screams and cries.... not for a bottle but he just screams and cries because he doesn't want to go to sleep. We will get through this and then our next adventure will be potty training! Hey, maybe he can go on another trip with Nana and she will bring him back in big boy underwear! One can dream can't they!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
He is leaving me!
I can't sleep and I know it's because that sweet boy of mine is leaving me in the morning! He will be going to South Carolina to meet his Aunts and Uncles and Cousins that he has never met and I want him to do that but I will miss him so bad! Michael and I can't go because we have so much work to do with our photography business! It saddens me that I won't be the one with him when he seas the beach and ocean for the 1st time! I am just grateful that he gets to do it! I sure will miss that sweet boy of mine!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Michael got home from work and we asked our soon to be 2 year old what he wanted for dinner and he says
"CAKE!" We say "Brody you can't have Cake for dinner." He says "CAKE!!!!" with more assertiveness. So, like any good parents would do Michael went to the grocery store and bought him "CAKE!" O.k O.k. I know what you are thinking and No we didn't just let him have cake for dinner we gave him french fries first... geez what kind of parents do you think we are! So, after he ate his french fries Michael sat him on the balcony and let him eat his "CAKE"! Of course he was messy so, they took a shower and Michael put a movie on for Brody so he could wind down for the night! Well, he kept asking for more "CAKE"! and Michael would say "No". So he would come to me and I would say "Daddy said NO"! and Brody would go back and forth for a while and then I heard him playing with one of his toys in the kitchen but didn't think anything about it! I was on the computer while Michael was in the living room watching t.v. The next thing I knew it eerily quite and I turned around he had gotten "The Cake" (it was actually cupcakes) from the counter had 2 of them on the floor with icing all over the place and having so much fun! So, He got another shower and little time out! I asked him while he was in the shower " Why did he get the cake when daddy told him not to?" and he said "Welcome" !
Friday, May 28, 2010
Well, we moved and Brody loves it!!!!
Why, you ask because he can open every single door all by himself! The 1st few days he slept with us because Michael couldn’t find the screws to put his bed together. He loved that! Now, he is doing just fine in his own bed! He has discovered that he loves showers and I have found a new love for showers! It makes it so much easier to wash his hair and cuts bath time in half. In and out! We still have a lot to do to get this place together. Tomorrow we will have lived here for 1 week but so far so good!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
I'm Pooped
Brody Poo Poo'd in the potty for the 1st time yesterday!!!!! Yae Yae!!!!! So, I guess this means we are potty training. I'm still wondereing how we are gonna break him from that darn bah bah! We can't have a potty trained bah bah drinker! That just isn't right!!!!!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Pee Peeeeeeeee!
Well. my son has discovered that he loves to take showers! I'm glad becuase it makes it alot easier to wash his hair! Anyways, Brody and I are in the bathroom and I am getting him undressed for his "showa" and I get his diaper off and he takes off! He likes to play chase just as as soon as he is butt naked! So, I am waiting patiently in the bathroom because I do not like to play chase while he is butt naked! The next thing I know I see that naked booty running down hall yelling "Peeeee Peeeeeeeeeee!" I am thinking to myself no he did not just be somewhere in this house! I get up and ask him if he Pee'd and he said "yeh" I said show me. So, he goes in my room! (great!) I said " Show me were you pee'd so, his little naked butt starts climbing on my bed at the same time Michael discovers that Brody, my dear sweet precious son has pee'd on the bed! ON MY SIDE!!! He's lucky he's cute!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Easter 2010
Ashlyn & Brody
Brody Huntin' Eggs!
Brody found a BIG Egg!
The Boy Cousins!
The Girl Cousins!
Brody and Lucy havin fun in the wagon!
Brody and Shannon huntin' eggs!
After the hunt Brody decided to
monkey around!
A letter to Brody!
I never knew I could love someone as much as I love you! The moment I found out I was pregnant I began to anticipate who you would look like, what kind of personality you would have and wondering If I was gonna be a good mother! I know I'll make probably make mistakes along the way but I want you to know that you are my everything, my world, my heart. I will do whatever it takes to make your life as wonderful as it can be. From the day you were born I could tell that you were smart. You would observe everything around as if you were saying " OK, world here I am!" You held your head up early, you could hold your own bottle early and you were determined to walk sooner than later! And you did! At 8 months old you could go anywhere you wanted to go! Mr. Independant is what you are! I pray that you keep your determination that you had from day one and you go through life making things happen for yourself. Know that daddy and I love you more than anything and we will do whatever we can to help you achieve your dreams.! You are such a happy baby boy! Everything you do makes me smile! I love the way you point with your thumb and the way you start dancing anytime there is music on! You are also fearless! At only 12 months old you climbed up a slide ( all on your own) and when you got to the top you turned around, slid back down just to do it all over again! I can tell that whatever you decide to do and you give it your all .... you will succed! BRODY ZANE RIMA YOU WILL DO GREAT THINGS!
" You are a promise... You are a possibility ... You are a promise with the capital P! You are a great big bundle of potentiality ... and if you listen .. you can hear GOD's voice ... and if you are trying you can make the right choice ... You are a promise to be anything GOD wants you to be!
" You are a promise... You are a possibility ... You are a promise with the capital P! You are a great big bundle of potentiality ... and if you listen .. you can hear GOD's voice ... and if you are trying you can make the right choice ... You are a promise to be anything GOD wants you to be!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
What's a Momma to Do?
This bah bah things is getting very annoying! I am tired of washing them! I am tired of the cries for them! I am tired of totting those darn things around! I am just plain tired of THEM! Michael and I made the decision to stop giving that boy a bottle @ 18 months and well now he is almost 20 months old and won't give IT up! I have no support from my family! Mom says that it's wrong not giving that boy his bottle! What am I gonna do? Do I just throw them in the trash and then what when he is screaming uncontrollably at the top of his for a bah bah? What is a momma supposed to do?
Saturday, March 13, 2010
I found this cute poem after I took this picture
Daddy's Boots
I want to be like Daddy
Someday if I can,
Mom told me when I fill his shoes
I'll be a real big man.
His hat and tie's no problem,
(I'll grow a good amount),
and I may be able to fill his shoes,
It's these boots I'm worried about
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Role Call!
Not much as change with Brody he is still crazy and still so much fun! He loves his family and does a role call every single day! Baboo, Pop Pop, Mimi, Nana, Paw! Some days he will add Jansen, Amree , Ashlyn, JoJo and Austin! Just recently he has started calling Lacey and Lesley a name! It’s not there name but he has been calling them Lynney! He is so smart because that is what he hears Jansen and Ashlyn call me so, of course their moms would also be a Lynney too! I love that Boy! He is my life!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
O, How I missed that sweet sweet Boy!
I was recently away from Brody for a short time and I missed him terrible! I was so happy when I finally got to see him again and hold that baby of mine and he was estatic to see his momma! I never knew how much I could love someone until I became a mother and I know that love will never end! I am so lucky to have such a smart, funny and beautiful son!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Trouble! Trouble!
This evening Brody was well …. Being Brody! Michael and Brody got home and I went outside to greet them and Brody was yelling “Momma, Momma, Momma!” I must say that I love to hear my dear sweet boy calling me Momma! Well, I got him out of the Jeep and we went inside. Michael had to bring some groceries in so, me and Brody came inside to wait because it was freezing! I was on the computer when they arrived so; I was finishing up what I was doing when I heard the front door open! I got to the door and looked outside and my dear son was screaming at the top of his lungs and running as fast as his little legs could go (which is pretty fast)! Michael was coming in at that time so, we had him trapped! He just laughed and laughed! Michael had to go back outside and that little crazy boy did it again! Michael chased him back in and he laughed and laughed and laughed! I love to hear him laugh! Well, we ate some frozen pizza and I made a phone call and I thought Michael was watching Brody and he thought I was! Evidently leaving a 1 ½ year old unsupervised for any period of time is not a good idea! I walked down the hall and met my son coming out of the bathroom! He looked up at me … stopped and ran the other direction. I screamed! He screamed! Michael came running towards the bathroom and Brody came running back and we all just stood there looking at each other! I said “BRODY!!!” And he took off! My dear sweet little boy had opened a drawer put my hair straightener in the toilet along with a stuffed animal, a golf ball, his toy hammer and another plastic toy. He had also dug through the trash and found one of my used feminine products and placed that in the toilet as well (I pray that is all he did with that)! O and uh, there was a sock in there as well! The entire bathroom floor was soaked and so was my child! Michael said “Have fun cleaning that up!” HaHa! I explained to Brody that he wasn’t supposed to put things in the toilet and I said that was a NO NO and He said” NO NO NO!” I told him that if he did it again he would get a spanking and I said “do you understand?” He said “yeah!”
Stay tuned for more adventures with the toilet bowl!!!!
Stay tuned for more adventures with the toilet bowl!!!!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
What a great way to wake up!
What a wonderful day it has been!!!! Brody woke me up this morning by sitting on my face! That is his usual way to wake me up! He scooted over so he was sitting on the pillow right by my head. Wasn’t that nice of him? He said “Momma! Momma! Momma!” and then leaned over and kissed me on my nose twice! That was a perfect way to wake up! It rained most of the day so we just stayed in! We played ball, blocks and cars! We watched Elmo and iCarly! Brody has the habit of turning of the TV while we are watching it and we tell him “No! No! No! So today he would run to turn the TV off and while he was turning it off he would say “No! No! No!” He is so funny! We just had a lot of fun today loving and playing together!
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